Complete restoration of the Tatra 603 including welding, paint job, interior tailoring, chromes, wiring etc. If you repair your Tatra alone, we can help with restoration of single parts like gearbox, shock absorbers, brakes etc. You can see our work in the Photo gallery.
Next to the restoration we focus on the routine maintenance of our customer's personal Tatras. This includes oil and fluid changes, engine setup, clutch adjustment, setup of shifting, wheel allignment etc. We use our own tested spare parts, which are kept on stock. If you have any questions about personal Tatra vehicles, contact us here.
For every renovation, spare parts are the main requirement. Many of them are hardly or mostly not available at all. That's why we started with production of our own replicas, which are produced according to modern standards and have therefore longer lifetime and higher quality as the original parts. The whole product range is available in our Shop.